Alone in a Sea of People
Today I feel like I am alone in the world
A place for me to vent and a place to get feedback on ideas.
This was sent to me and I want as many people as I know to listen to it.
I think sometimes how hard it was growing up on the plains of North Dakota. We were poor (but really I didn't know that until I was in high school). My parents worked hard yet with so much sickness with their children and no insurance they had little money left over for anything. We were on a farm so they grew most of their food. As a kid, my sisters and I would spend hours helping my mom weeding the gardens and then in then when the produce was ready helping pick it, shell peas, tip and cut up green beans, washing and cleaning carrots for canning and cucumbers for pickling. We would spend hours picking potato bugs off of the plants and then we were all out there picking the potatoes to be put in a huge bin in the basement to last for the winter. Usually a cow and pig were slaughtered in the fall and that was the meat for the winter and Mom sewed most of our clothes. I wonder if Mom felt disappointed with her life. I wonder if she ever felt like she could have done somethings better. I am sure she did however being so busy all the time she probably didn't have much time to think about that. I wonder if she ever cried over the decisions us kids made.
To which I say AMEN and AMEN
In the course of a lifetime there are many different things that stress a person. The ones that stressed me in the 20's and 30's seem hardly like a memory anymore. Now the things I am stressed about, when I was 20 and 30 I never gave a second thought to.
Ten years ago today, I lost the husband of my youth. I keep thinking one of these years I wont remember that this is the day and it wont ache in my heart and the tears wont fall next year. But next year comes and all through the year I don't forget. I know that I never will. How can one forget the person you shared your life with for 36 years? And I really NEVER want to forget, but I have to admit, I don't like that ache that comes sometimes. I guess it is that ache that makes us hungry for heaven. But I am sure when I get to heaven, Gil wont be the first one I want to see. It will be the One who died and gave His life for me that we can spend eternity together