A busy weekend
The Myers arrived on Thursday night. Friday morning Tonja had an interview for my job!! It went well but she wont know until the end of this week if she gets my job when I retire. I hope so. It is the most wonderful place to work!!
Friday nite it was time to celebrate Emma's 21st birthday and Abbe's 12th.
The 3 mousketeers (Luke, Josiah and Andrew) await the cake
Saturday it was up towards Brainerd for a Moteberg Family Reunion. It was realized that not all got in the photo of those that were there. But a GREAT bunch of relatives.
Gil's siblings. His twin brother Lyle, then Geri, JoAnn and Joyce (Fran and Myron are not in this picture)
The 1st cousins Susan, Will, Tonja, Lynn, Hillary, Melissa, Leah, Evan and Preston (there are a few that were not at the reunion)
Emma and Gpa Jim hangin out enjoying the day
Braxton the B Boy and his mommy Kim
Braxton (Eric's littlest guy and my youngest grandson) thought he was the cat's meow sitting by himself in that little lawn chair.
A GREAT BIG THANKS to Geri, Mark and Lynn for inviting us all to their lake cabin for this wonderful time.
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