Last night we attended our class at church. It was on science and creationism vs.
evolution - Design vs. randomness.
Psalm 19: 1 - 4 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. there is no speech of language where the voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.I can never remember not
believing that our earth is here because God designed it and created it. Mainly I could not buy evolution because in all of my life, I have never seen anything,,, ANYTHING, that got better as it got older. It always deteriorated. I have never seen a garden left to itself become more beaituful or tailored. The scripture above tells us that the creation is "very noisy" about God's creation. I wonder how man can look at all the earth and doubt that a supreme being created this world.
The very earliest scientists, Newton,
Galileo, and Boyle were convinced that the universe bore evidence of design. Then Darwin came and wrote his "theory" and our schools and collages have picked that up as being THE answer to how this world became. It is being taught as fact and when in reality it cant be. In fact, I believe that if Darwin were alive today, he would have to change his theory. Fossils cannot support his theory of
evolution. There are thousands if not millions of fossils that have been
categorized, and only less then 100 can even become close to saying it might be an evolutionary being. If
evolution is true there should be many thousand of morphological changes in
fossils found. More then likely what was found is a minor
evolution that
occurred within the
species because of living conditions around them where forced to change.
Darwin's Finches, was thought to prove
evolution but has been proven, that the
beaks of the birds changed because of drought and back to normal size when there was enough rain. So even
Darwin's, theory there did not prevail.
Back in the 19
th century a cell was considered a blob of plasma, but with the micro technology of today we know that each cell is filled with exquisite machinery and they have found out that a cell cannot exist if just one of those minute components of the machinery is missing. It is in these cells that we see the most compelling evidence of design.
If you were walking in a virgin forest, and looked down and saw something lying there. You picked it up and it had a latch and you flipped it open. It had numbers on it and 2 hands and when you held it to your ear you could hear a noise. Would you assume that the forest with its leaves and bits of bark and dirt, evolved into that watch? Of course not. Something designed it.
Why does so much of the secular world believe in
evolution? I think it is because then they are free to follow
their natural inner desires without quilt or thought of having to answer to anyone.
Some books to read:
Evolution Theory in Crisis and
God In The Small Things. Also there is a movie out there by Ben Stein called
Expelled that is excellent for answering questions on creationism vs. evolution.