Summertime, and the living is HOT
I am here because I am just plain bored, so I figured I would just rattle on here. It is hot today. I think it is near 90 already. I left for work at 7 and a soft rain was falling and it was hot and it was like walking out into a sauna. I haven't left the building since I got to work so no idea but from what I see on my weather station on line it is still that way and it is to be hot for the next few days. Oh the dog days of summer!! I hope that it is not too bad outside tonight after work. I bought 5 Stella Dora day lillies and I want to get them planted. They were such a good deal. I really was going to get only 3 of them but 3 of them at the little nursery near us cost about $35 or $40 and I got 6 for $30.. So the math made sense to me. I do not have yellow out in my gardens so it will be a nice addition. AND,, they are perennials, and are supposed to be hardy at that. After that is done I will come in shower and sit down and watch the Twins. Hopefully they will win tonight. If they do then they will be only 1/2 game out of first and if they sweet the White Sox they will be in first place. You gotta love those young guys. None but Morneau known for his home runs and they have managed to be at the top all year. GO TWINS.
I no more then get that out of my mouth and I smile and say.. Ahhhh my Vikings are in training camp. I know they are not picked to be the best team in the NFL, but they are my team and I sure do love to watch Vikings football.
My sister is coming to town this weekend. I am looking forward to at least having breakfast with her. She spends most of her time with her daughter, and that is to be expected.
I planted green beans in 2 large pots on the deck this year. Last year I tried pole beans and just got hardly any beans. This year I planted bush beans and wow, I have picked in over 100 beans off those plants and there are a few more to pick. It is now in its 2nd blooming and I know I wont get as many but maybe 50. It has been more then enough for Jim and I to have fresh this summer. My cukes are just becoming large enough to eat, and for some reason the cukes out of my garden are so sweet. I think it must be the soil. The tomatoes are there but not even turning yellow yet. With all this humidity and heat you would think they would hurry up. I am eager for that first BLT made with tomatoes from my garden. I have found a restaurant right near where I work called Kip's. It is actually an Irish Pub, but I have had the best BLT's that I have ever had when I ordered them out. I was glad I found that out.
Well I guess I have rattled on long enough....
Blessing to all who read and double blessings to those that let me know they were here!! (^_^)