Thursday, September 07, 2006

Aristotle : "Change in all things is sweet".

Change: I am not so sure that Aristotle was right in his saying about change. I know that change is inevitable, but I dont think it is always sweet. To tell the truth, I think for most of us change is forced upon us and it isnt so sweet.

At my high school graduation (yes I can remember that far back) the speaker (I dont remember his name) said something that has stuck with me all these years. He said something to the effect as he turned and addressed 'us the class' "You think you are done.... Well, let me tell you this is just a beginning. This is just one in a line of many, many, many new beginnings you will encounter, take each one of them and make the best of it". I guess that one could look at change as a new beginning. Right now I am struggling with the change of the fact that my family is growing away from me. Oh, I knew it would come, it came for me, as it came for my siblings and our parents, it is just the natural flow of things. As thier families grow older thier path leads away from the path that I am on and thus the change of seeing them less and less. As they get involved in thier own churches, schools and freinds, (lives) the path between thier path and mine gets more and more grown over with grass as it is less traveled. I dont "blame" them (not sure that is the word I am looking for) or even think that it should be different. But it is a change that to me isnt so sweet. I love my kids and I love to see them and talk to them. I love the grandkids that they gave me and I am so proud of all of them. All of them remarkably smart, beautiful and talented.

I guess that it is time for me to effect a "Sweet Change". I am not sure what that will be or what course that will take, but I am going to open up my options and look around. I am sure there has to be a "Sweet Change" out there for me.



At 5:25 PM , Blogger Pat said...

Yes...the path to our kids does grow in with grass but our job as a parent is to keep it mowed so they can find their way back when they need to.

Many times they will get lost in the weeds and oohhh wheee...we wish we could send them a compass and more often than not they really need a tow truck!

You have a rich life full of friends and a new hubby to find new life challenges with.

Yea..change is hard and the best we can do is wear the memories like an old robe while forging ahead and one day.....

VOILA' the kids will find the path home when we least expect it.

Hugs dear Friend, Our Friendship is still alive and thriving.


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