Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Have You Ever?

Have you ever had to remove someone from your email list? Well just recently I have had to do that more then once. Not because of something they have sent me, but because of their reaction to what I have sent them. I don't get it. If I don't like what they send me, I merely delete it and go on with life. But I more then once have gotten railed because of an email I forwarded to them. So rather then me having to carefully go through my contacts and make sure I don't accidentally sending them something that might offend them, I just removed them from my email list. Oh I haven't blocked them. They can send me what they wish. I hope that I am more open minded then that, but I don't want to be at the end of someone giving me heck because I sent them something they don't agree with.... Some people are really intolerable I guess!!! Oh well.. that is life..



At 1:39 PM , Blogger Pat said...

I myself hand select to whom I send things. I happen to know a few that don't like certain things so I just pick and choose who to send what to. Yea...a chore sometimes. I do like that they tell me they don't like a certain type of email though. Each has their own thing though and I try my hardest to accommodate. I never have told anyone not to send certain things though as you have said...easy to just delete. But some people just have to complain I guess.

My only complaint I try to pass on is that they delete the headers of other emails when they forward. Cuts down on spam and passing on email addresses.


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