Wednesday, August 08, 2007


The past 12 hours have been trying for this Mom. My kids seem to be going through rough spots in their life right now. It is sooooooo hard as their Mom to stand by and watch it. The Mom in me wants to rush in and tell them what to do and take care of things, but I cant do that. I truly don't know their lives, as much as I may think I do. They might even feel like they wish I would but I know that it would not be for the best. I think back to the rough times that Gil and I went through. We had no one that could come in and rescue us and maybe in the long run that was for the best. Knowing that there was no out but for us, we operated in that. Not that my kids come and ask for rescuing often. I am glad that I can help out when I can. Soooo I pray for them and trust God to help them and see them through. One thing about walking through a dark valley, when we get out we appreciate the light so much more.

So that's where I am today


At 3:39 PM , Blogger Pat said...

The kids today do have it better than our generation did. More often than not they have parents who can help them whereas most of ours wen thru the depression and didn't have much at all.

I do think that some of our generation do help the kids too much.
One of my own kids was helped way too much by in-laws and now that they are gone she is having a heck of time learning to live within her means. I know she will learn eventually but I feel she would have learned faster and been better off if she learned this many years ago. Sometimes I think the more we help them..the more they don't seem to learn. I learned the hard way...without help of any kind. Not sure if that is best or not. We need a manual on how much to help..LOL.

Ah is so hard to sometimes stand by and watch them struggle..but then..we did it when they had to learn to walk and talk and tie their shoes...and so too..we need to stand by and watch them grow in their own way.

Times changes but gosh..hard to see them doing everything all wrong..ROFL.


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