Ode To The Crud
Oh Crud you nasty sneaky one
just look what you have gone and done
You sneak your germs into my body
Making me feel perfectly crudy
I try so hard to keep you at bay
With rest and vitamins night and day
But you, oh crud, wont have any of that
You just dish out from your nasty vat
You make my lungs so congested
OH, you are so very wretched
When my lungs begin to cast you out
Oh no, you wont checkout
To my sinuses you go
Cutting off some air flow
BUT,, I am here to tell you, you're not gonna win
Cuz I'm not just some old country pumpkin
I'll rest, drink fluids, take vitamins and pray
And your exit in only a couple days away!!
BE GONE!!!!!!
Crud leaves when it is good and ready and it cant be forced out as we all know.
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