Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Clogged drains and rain or lack thereof

I stayed home from work yesterday because we had a clogged drain and Jim and I could not find the source of it and get it open. But ouch,, it is hard on the pocketbook. $200 for less then an hour at the house. BUT,, I do have free flowing drains. AND,, I took the morning to stay in bed and rest my foot. I think it is getting better, but I do know that if I lost a few well ALOT of pounds I would feel so much better. Now if someone could just give me the what ever it takes to change my lifestyle and way of eating. I keep hoping, but truthfully, I think it is more possible that my boss would say you can quit and I will pay your wages for a year!! I have been trying for almost all my life to take and keep off weight.

I was listening to the forecasters talk about all the rain we got yesterday. Well not one drop fell at our house. We so need it too. I talked to my daughter last night and she told me the monsoons had hit there and they had flooding and were hoping they wouldn't float away. But they live in bluff country and when it rains, it all goes down hill. You know when I was a kid I would remember the rains coming in April and it would rain for a week straight just that soft rain. I haven't seen one of those in, I cant remember how long ago. Anyway, when I talked to Tonja last night she told me that Emma wasn't home and she didn't know where she was. I hope she was safe. I am sure she was or I would have heard by now.

Well today I am back at work and on lunch break right now. And it is about over, so I am going so sign off



At 3:05 PM , Blogger Pat said...

We got rain...days now and supposed to rain all week. I sure hope you get your share of it though.

Growing up is hard but I think parents letting go is harder. I think I worry MORE about my kids today than when they were younger.

At 7:13 PM , Blogger Tonja said...

Yes she is safe, and yes it is still raining! And we are supposed to have snow tonight. Blech! But it is supposed to be nice again next week. Love you!



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