Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So Sad

For the last 2 days, my heart has been aching.  A very good friend, Mark Scott, went fishing by himself on a lake called Jack The Horse lake in northern Minnesota and he never came back.  They found his canoe and a cap but they have not found him.  He was a wonderful man who loved God and his family very much.  My heart hurts for them so very much.  Our small church as a whole is hurting knowing we have lost this wonderful friend.  He was a strong healthy man.  It just makes me so aware that this life we have is so very fragile.  We are not promised one more day, not even one more minute. 

Then last night I found out that my little granddaughter Abbe has contracted Lyme Disease again.  That makes me hurt.  I hope and pray that it was caught soon enough that the medicines that she is taking will let her return to being fully healthy again and that no part of her body has been compromised. 

So if you read this blog, say a prayer for Mark's family and for my granddaughter Abbe.

Thank you and God bless


At 10:49 PM , Blogger Pat said...


so much tragedy you have had in so short a time.

At 9:02 PM , Blogger Tonja said...

i am praying for the scotts. I can't imagine how awful that would be.

On a positive note, Abbe is responding very well, and very quickly the the antibiotic. I know she will be completely restored.

Love you.

At 10:32 AM , Blogger Doxie said...

It's good to hear that Abbe is doing well..that is a relief. But very sorry to hear of the loss of a friend of yours. My prayers go out for him and his family.


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