Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The blog continues = this one FRUSTRATION

Is it a full moon today? (so cloudy here one wouldnt know) Since I walked into work this morning, the phones have been ringing with one thing or another wrong. We came upon a billing error that affects the rents for a couple of tenants going back to Jan. Our ace admin assistant is out sick today and the prop manager is not feeling so good. So far I am doing OK. But man, it feels like one of those days when you just want to crawl back in bed and start over and see if it will go better!!!! I am very happy to say that doesnt happen often on this job and 99% of the time I like it here really well.

We are going to Seattle and Vancouver WA the end of March. I am excited. Jim has never beene to the northwest and my oldest sister lives in Vancouver and I get to see her so very very little. So looking forward to a long visit with her. We will hang around Seattle for a couple of days sight seeing and then head down to Vancouver. I hope the weather cooperates.

Well just a little vent and news



At 11:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you poor thing! I know what you're going through! I do that almost every day after 5:30pm...

It's horrendous...


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