I'm Growing Older
Today I was watching something that someone sent me that was a funny joke about older people. I was listening to it, and all of a sudden it struck me. I AM GROWING OLD!!
For someone who is still young and fighting a horrible disease, I am sure that is something that they are looking forward to, and it is my prayer that they all get to experience it.
I so looked forward to retiring. What I didn't think about was what came with that retirement age.
It seems I need the TV a bit louder and I say excuse me when someone speaks to me from time to time as it came across as a mumble. I find that I am needing much more light to read and sew by. My joints get sore with the change of the weather and my steps are slower. I can no longer run (well it has been a while since I did that) but I was able to move alot faster. It takes me longer to remember things that used to be right at the forefront of my mind and when I sit down to watch TV my eyelids want to go shut.
What can I say? Do I like this? No I don't. There may have been a way to stave off this if I had started earlier taking better care of this body. But here I am near retirement and hoping that I will be able to enjoy it.
Well, I know what you mean. And I know it will only get worse as I get older. I can't see up close, and I can't see far away. If I sit in one place too long I get stiff. But, that is because we live in finite bodies right now. Even if we had done everything right, never ate wrong, exercised daily, etc. Our bodies would still fail. The good news? We have new improved versions waiting for us in Glory! I can't wait to see what they are like! : ) Love you. Can't wait to see you.
Oh Tonja,,, wont that be a wonderful day??? I am so ready
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