Sunday, August 29, 2010

And then it was time to say "So Long"

Then Thursday night arrived. I got them some new toys and they were playing with them while they waited for their mom and sisters to come. Luke loved this Hot Wheels track. Even Abbe played with it for a while. I had to laugh at one point they were having some problem with what they wanted to do and Luke said "Abbe, wait, we are having some technical difficulties" Just too cute.

Abbe spend time playing with her Barbie dolls. She can do that for hours. It is soooo cute.
AND THEN... it was time to say So Long. Here they are in the back seat of their Mom's van preparing to take off. Mamma had tears in her eyes.... Retirement cant come soon enough,

I love you Luke and Abbe. Thanks for coming and staying with us.,


At 2:14 PM , Blogger Pat said...

Good thing you don't have them for two weeks every month or you would grow broke. But they are worth every penny for the time you do have them.

Watch out when you retire or they will want to spend the WHOLE summer with ya!!!!


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